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Burn Permit Application
Permission is required for the burning of any grass, grain, stubble, debris or other combustibles – except a campfire started in an otherwise lawful manner – in all areas of the State. Within the boundaries of a district/city, the Fire Chief or his designated representative has the responsibility for issuing such permits. The intent of the law may be met by issuing conditional permits in advance of the desired burning dates on the condition that the permit is only valid to the degree and within the conditions that burning is allowed on those days when it is desired to burn.
Although the Office of State Fire Marshal does not issue fire permits, the State Fire Marshal is authorized to issue a blanket prohibition on all fire permits in any area of the State. However, such closure will only occur infrequently such as during abnormally severe fire hazard weather. It should be noted that local regulations in some cases require fire permits for all types of open burning throughout the year. State regulations are the minimum requirement and do not nullify local regulation, which exceeds state requirements.
The final decision in the issuance of each fire permit rests with the local permit issuing authority although he is required to consider and make use of data and advice from the Weather Bureau, the Office of State Fire Marshal and the State Sanitary Authority.
The CITY OF JOHN DAY and JOHN DAY RURAL FIRE DISTRICT require a CONDITIONAL BURNING PERMIT for ALL OPEN BURNING. Permits expire December 31st and must be renewed annually.
Please complete the required fields below to request a permit. Valid Burning Permits will be sent to the email address provided. If you would like a paper copy please call City Hall at 541-575-0028.